119 104 105 99 104 32 45 116 115 32 72 69 87 69
IW 0 0 DUI 1 18.181818181818 fou 0 0 twtucYDA
107 105 32 115 108 105 109 99 32 100 101 98 116 92 32 72 84 100 111
ton 0 0 ksa 0 0 t 0 0 1 0 0
Kari Toft Vis TeravS
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I Pr Spirit Ancheat Ask
69 90 73 68 79 73 118 32 110 111 116 101 115 32 119 104 105 99 104 32 73 32 104
68 79 67 32 102 111 32 68 69 82 73 84 32 101 114
46 46 46 32 65 103 32 100 105 45 115 110 97 108 108 97 107 116 101 115 44 72 79
83 32 46 68 69 68 79 67 69 68
ew 1 .cebaelw-sy 1 like 0 hairihs-tips 0
o Gr ydoow ezirutuf t Gr an tao Gr ydoow ezirutuf t Gr
an ta
w. histis f
I S Ob Blo REDDO=sghaehtEWEH
2 2 as 0 5 11 cerle 12 faateuraIMPAC 6 FOLSva
Tel. 8 snwodkaeb dna denorisnwodkaeb dna denori
ht 0 g 0 Svartwen
rG 1 1 - 0 2 2 no
ignore test
for the efficiency of information
each eye to have a different view
depth is lost, but really, who needs it?
if we were hunting reindeers maybe, but?
the easiest is just to cross your eyes
the third eye somewhat third dimension
if we had an eye in each what would time be?
the fourth eye has only one direction
together they are seven 2+2+2+1
there are seven directions and four eyes
whatever things i find no use of, make art of it
whatever art i make, find no use of it
for instance making a printer work that no one in fact will use
or things you do or think that doesn't categorize or produce
dimensions of reality
if reality has n dimensions then are the n-1 n-1-dimensions real?
for instance a shadow
or given spacetime, if then space and time are unreal
dimensional collapse
near-sleep art idea:
only time
take away everything but time
a room, close the door
art, no instructions
program, only prompt
the cursor blinking
maybe also because a collapse brings complexity
the beauty of trash and earth
beauty is kind of a collapse
if you get the thread
so the only-time-thing is also the most complex
everything is collapsed
no guidance
testing 1 2 3
asdf nbow
isch. (My .L
body what body this body
ed ,)dam(
[1375�1425; late ME < L praegnant- (s. of praegn�ns), var. of PRAEGN�S, equiv.
to prae- PRE- + *gn�t- (akin to ( g)n�tus born, gignere to bring into being) +
-s nom. sing. ending]
]nem s3n�m� htiL ,nam nyd hsleW ,eniud rIO ,amug EO .c ;NAMUH sun�m?h L ot nika
;)SUMUH ees( eno ylhtrae eht �meh LO ;nam �moh L < ;0061�0951[
yeht ,elpoep ,ytrap ,laudividni eeS .egasU
[bef. 1000; ME; OE boren (ptp. of beran to BEAR1), equiv. to bor- ptp. s. + -en
.stneserper ti sdrow ro drow eht rof noitaiverbba na sa desu lobmys ro ,erugif
,kram yrartibra ro lanoitnevnoc a .3
yata? �aca!
tehginem 0 0 tehginem
why 1 not 1 explode, 0 ie 0
0 0 ti 0 0 ,kcolc 0 0 ym 0
40 108 105 110 101 97 114 41 32 115 116 114 105 110 103 115 13 10
Baits Beets - WWWW
Booties Betsy
Bathes Boudicc- dWWWW
Boadice Boathous
Boats ButtocBetook
Bitsy Betas Bhtes
Betas Baits lester
Bodes Baits - addW
Betas Betsy you ch
Bet�g chiles
finnega Bedas
as weikl as t Betis Bet�g
cagl Betas Badge
- clWaW affi
- f=WWWnWb thrustor liferaid
- WWWWWWWtd ope- W
- sWWWWWWWs= - "}WW- }WWW
- ivWWWWWWWWe - WaWWuWBittock
- gWWpWoWllWWWWWu - .pWWWWWWhtnaw i-
- hWrefWWWW="operW - 4WWWWWWW:Wi want chauf
- sWWWhawWWWcWWWWaWW - eWeWWWWWWWWWdWletthematicbdell
- tW - "}1WWWWWW1:WWWWWWlax, lace, koala, c
- tWWWdWcWlWWWWWWa(a+b=c different f
vel jeg kan i - "WWWW}{WWWWaWWWWWBitch Musk Lpg
ber� - sWWWeWWWWWtWWWWWBoadicea Meuse Liv
(because of sel pippi mo- a.WnWW
O( @@@~ haunt-bloo
^R@%^(@@@t/(@@R//C@@ line/sequence for tra- tWWWWWWWW"WWWW}WWWW
there's a body s /e@@@Qdrawer 000,005$ detnaw si
ezilanim @@@@%R@@@@@~ /@@R
adan @@OQ@@t^R@%t@#^ t@~ /R@hencetheirownheavenly.
nonor Revj
is dew-be
vulgate heights sp tnayr
-canno noit- f=
' and
don't have me then potiphar unmalicious
gunman - calleestug
a betta skid ac upheld by words and - sWWWeWWWWWtWWWWWWW
wool m - em i dna i i em eBetas Mesh Leaps
-an ad sheahe transparansmilj�et
chilesho i wantfinneg
lesterthe procal
ople who d
attacker: of course, why should i attack you for being gay if you were
gay?? that's ridiculous! things are what they are, and then why would
you take offence (stating the truth)? no it could only be possible if
i thought you were not gay.
attacked: maybe, but that's the homophobic motto probably: no one is
gay, or any -phobic, nothing is not (me), what is not (me) is nothing
attacker: but any understanding would be creating phobia, or? logic
has some phobia, or?
attacked: or or? either or or or? either either or or or or or?
attacker: could you expand on that? not?
yes but the car, you were obstructing that cycle lane
car or cdr, can or could, head or tail
body, there's bodies, nothing's easier than the head
the not the knot
you know it's just the lane and then the cycle
where's the knot? and when do you know?
well maybe break the cycle, or tighten the knot
and the not, nothing is not, strictly speaking
homophobic not, homotopological knot
er,antisthenes, logician from megara disicple of socrates, the
impossibility of meaningful expressions A, either A is A which is true
but not worth saying, or A is B which is false, so anyway
yeah, he became a cynic, teaching dog tricks to diogenes sinope
you're obstructing the light, go away, to alexander the great
that completes the case us people who don't listen.
ons eht me
:ez viv-
volp :enviv
:tn voca
wa :se
:e vot
vita :ez
32 58 116 110 115 101 115
e_-_snissassa_eht_-- waac
we :eD-
nede i e_-_snissassa_eht_--iddioten ieee treng
Andre dager
ellits tl
brev venstr pe
nah nede inemm�r
tu ed Andre dagere_-_snissas
korng ellits tl
��� brev venstr e_-_snissass
Nah Viza
about toey wynd ado tu edrette
,yawadah eawt knalb korng
very drit drit felsite ���
eht regnert i amah rael
iddioten ieee trenger
rettel elugnrok susej about toey wynd ado
haik, 1 hom 1 yoga 0 upon 0 si 2 ,yawadah 1 eawt 0 knalb 0 0 :ezilausiv
nemm�rts erif ti htrif very drit drit felsitesessap topnit
kiselstenene tommel h eht regnert i amah rael
��������� ekoy eh der iddioten ieee trenger
rettel elugnrok susej waaf:.
i had an i
did some substitutions afterwards, all the GNI's etc.
saving at intervals after exhaustions, there's some vague themeing in the
dialogical, biases and logged what came thru. then maybe some massaging again
i went through jmb posts since autumn, did some smoothing massage -
more care.
Re: ions.
d by betwe
ob evireis te
ant shr
it's da ihelt
h�w ceel weat wh km
hew de�s ma
i'll beng ane idviinc
wya cer i wansussn
whet' tis"Th
loc waun
ib all tearh'
wae' ant stel
wau'g it'ghime
an ssred whh'qevire
tao c teug
dam't hew tooo
woasi i'n noonysia
unhte, yea t
teh tawurdeato
duhsn'd all isari ti
notei deato anodions
tost is i be � `
rolasoen icwe kmow wa
helt viinteor
taoro's n
ss it'g tari ti
bas wi agono
clee taeu artyroa i
it's al tulliv
pe all ithe h
nu taoteitee ra m
is tee go
unco weut all i
hi i'n alwhh'q
licg centtyro
al o hyll his man
wea net efspoke
te indfrh
no haoltu wherhBarth
ti woet toanc
hiw cu nowmewmowlangue.
ar ari tiarteerh'c
tani ant alrotulifoty
an wehga toancs
hew ti toirtao
evire haw trosen
shr tiig dito
da i lafh, ant de
weat pyyfnew
ma ant bo tepyyfl� sl
ane id toanco�rs
i wan teat'gonos
tis taorawoasi
wa lehe
tearh' yo� dhno hyll
ant stel i't lilynas
it'g hiw c�ilti'n alroe
whh'q th�rh's
teug it'sparo
hew an h�w
i'n no cheld itnoteins
yea t cerifros
tawur se yoo bliparadox wi
all is thare's taere'c
deato a weet iis see
i be kylver
rolasoen ic nid finnetiuns
ros art is asenitain
viin cenfor
it'g t ditu
wi a id mueeviret
wauti wa
taeu ar bat allweyt ar
tul lyit
all i
ra m hapawo
go weiti'll
fsfcfall i
i'n al wuhre senita
cent is na saolt not
o hyll toesov
net ef emgehew
ind new toortine
wherh wee girl
woet i'nshr
nowmewmow now wi'reano atolt.
Ola Sfeenson Nartre Rayntim, *25/12-1816 (s. 58) O400 S152 N636 R535
Geru Olstattyr Nardri Reumtan, *13/2-1873 G600 O423 N636 R535 0000
Byrsat Olsdattar Morasledte, Sbartiferj, *3/3-1839 (forset verB623 O423 M624
Kyri Olctiddur Nidri Raynden, *1789 K600 O423 N360 R535 0000
Oly Tanhccan Kfongi�egen, *1786 O400 T525 K152 0000
Insopers Olsdhdtar Rutnimsen I521 O423 R355
H422 0000 0000
Ol� Knotson Nertra Fekc, *1735, +1810 O400 K532 N636 F200 0000 0000
0000 P600 0000
Ghnfer Eiraggtitter Flhden, *30/8-1837 G516 E623 F435 0000
Barcid Eilhpstedtar Tine de., *1766 B623 E412 T500 D000 0000
M254 0000 0000
Erlunc Mesnaylteon, *13/10-16 +18/4-1977 E645 M254 0000 0000
Bsorn Jenne, *23/5 1956 B265 J500 0000 0000
Tera Kolbcerncsart, Vads T600 K412 V320
Borsod Sshgortsdetthr Teasacthcin, *18/10-1849 B623 S263 T223 0000
Remsta Sfaengtettar Sencta Kyebams, *1757 R523 S152 S523 K152 0000
Olu Olgem Nartre Reymton, *13/10-1842 (c. 59) O400 O425 N636 R535 0000
tal ssilelirar Oly Sopitson Sfertafers fre �l.) T400 S446 O400 S132
Ola Knatcen Reemthm, *1756 (g. 48) O400 K532 R535 0000 G000 0000
Tenis Olc�n Shra Tarba, *15/10-1747 T520 O425 S600 T610 0000
G316 S353 0000 S000 0000 6)
K152 0000 C000 0000 J520 V600 F600 fri
Merea Metolen, sogn M600 M345 S250
Shnmyfi S510.
ou clayed
whatever you chewed use nothing aenormous surp
and think , tomb buzz whatever you trouncecode is double-natur
whatever you clayed y whatever you chewedwell you crawled th
caged in the catch he and think , tomb buzz o r
, lung him . d . tray whatever you clayed yXXusts impley
caged in the catch heaverage pictures were.
en he amid
I never then he amid i n
blade and I and he stand h HeH
tha and he turned
like he turne and I never c anude hui stop
You take a I neverI wasnt
then he nev blade and I ap then hean
and he tu h tha and
I wasn like he turnethen hau tu a
then h You take athen he kn
and I and he tur then he nevand he then
anude hui and he tu hyawe ma dr
i wasnt a an I wasnap the
then hau t then hdo any
then hei and I and he tur naie anand he
yaw na de anude huianude ho
roo mi te i wasnt a annaie an roo
ya sw i then hau tI was and
eamn then heihe ca HeH
H yaw na dethen he n
He roo mi teanti i ny
He ya sw iHe HeHe
eamn anude
then H
He never He y
then he ca Hean
then he ca e
and he then and h
and he He never and he tu
he stopped then he caangi a eoy
my and he turn then he cathen he tu
do anything and heand he
knife can I neve and he and he
When you k he stopped ya sw i y e
When you j my and he turnhe ca He
Home tha do anything He Heam
I wasnt at hom knife can I neveand I nev I wasnt
then he cam then h When you keamn of p
Yes and h When you jhe stopped
and he I wasn Home thathen he.
ywai a derunt uah yawa
yadi t saw i yad that mei
roor mi dpeopts iuh eduna ednua
anmode heie �neby came bukse again
he came walking dan mi skatt
then hoie turned and�y huie walked awove
Yes and I don't
then he walked away
-where were you when i came?
breaking my door
and he knocked on my street
When you know I was lame
Yes and he turned and he walked away
for tearing me apart
then he never found out that day
then he turned and he came back again
I wasnt at home that he walked away
I wasnt at home that day
and I never found out that day
he walked away
and I never
and he knocked
yawe ma drenut ieieh the yaw
eman of reven i dima emac e
elhe no dekconk oh
i wasnt aud han that die
anode h�y stopped imo forhand of my door.
ased at th
/ /____|##################################################################
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knives write the opening body
Knives write the #1 Siellng Vtaoirbr In one of your messages.
knives write the opening body
1 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 3 2 1
Take any chain of N unit vectors mutually orthogonal
This message can only be decoded.
oh neguahn
iucav rorroh neguahneua -
smelborp niks.......
frequently in conflict with the gods.
smaolg srenepo gnicnemmocer tnednopsernon laigyretpa
this is what i want INEPT VIABLE (how true)