
ignore test

for the efficiency of information
each eye to have a different view
depth is lost, but really, who needs it?
if we were hunting reindeers maybe, but?
the easiest is just to cross your eyes
the third eye somewhat third dimension
if we had an eye in each what would time be?
the fourth eye has only one direction
together they are seven 2+2+2+1
there are seven directions and four eyes

whatever things i find no use of, make art of it
whatever art i make, find no use of it
for instance making a printer work that no one in fact will use
or things you do or think that doesn't categorize or produce

dimensions of reality
if reality has n dimensions then are the n-1 n-1-dimensions real?
for instance a shadow
or given spacetime, if then space and time are unreal
dimensional collapse
near-sleep art idea:
only time
take away everything but time
a room, close the door
art, no instructions
program, only prompt
the cursor blinking
maybe also because a collapse brings complexity
the beauty of trash and earth
beauty is kind of a collapse
if you get the thread
so the only-time-thing is also the most complex
everything is collapsed
no guidance

testing 1 2 3
asdf nbow