
caoa Thn B

being unl he jesA.s. H
ws tub
but sworn
na" .eman t .ereht
where is fall bGrissm
n ?ereht
go wound. aJesgsei
beasts ga a stupid and to zageon eet
rophReh ad roverang ed rif tva gab on
lorts egn are vorried nawa
gnihteoms teg ot .ereht rabout aimles slyt hegyp loP fhB dyeW naJ
Vat�sr Mhacsaafo Sahel nep race Go Otoog
M mealH tylyttlbG ilE nneP
Dypeere Bnherrodt Gil O Lrrae Slehnhn Crel�eDeborie Bormeertt Ge
seM gnesseH gnesuR iroMmoJ tomH iresE nussrmaG gheH gcnahR iroM
Rvaort Crhaelh Reseel Dg Jecggoa Liwtoonhl DfeMrtihn Ceng-lgrsoeto
aaJ riqaL snhHP nhrgnthA nhJ aessragnM naarK
Lshi Cfoihr Ludoa Dpah Fomn� Hewe AnJascike Lawon.


isbn 82-92428-08-9


random walk round trip

the first to go are the externals (20,62)
pica picas are building a nest here (65,20)
looks like the car is crashing into the tree (63,68)
now they've got surroundings (6F,73)
it's ecliptic today (65,6E)
apocliptic too hot (0D,0A)
balancing a ball on a ctrl-alt-w stick (20,77)
what are we looking for? (68,79)
blind writing, touch sense (20,73)
i forget fortunately (68,6F)
oh i got problems (75,6C)
nothing is done by sensing (64,20)
i never throw anything away (69,74)
they just reflect (3F,0D)
who remote_addr am i? (0A,20)
i can see a rock three km away (20,63)
it's just a rock (68,6F)
small as a couple of pixels (6F,73)
how rich our senses (65,2D)
this requires calmness (6C,6F)
first to go are the internals (67,69)
pica picas are building a nest (63,0D)
the rock is a rock (0A,20)
a rock is the rock (69,66)
the a, a the (20,61)
the abstract, a theory (20,61)
a there, the absolved (6E,64)
nothing happened (20,69)
text was written (66,20)
nothing happened (79,6F)
nothing happens (75,20)
texts (63,68)
already (6F,6F)
context (73,65)
my left acts (20,62)
dangers to your left (20,74)
crosswired (68,65)
motive (6E,20)
left is empty (62,0D)
crosswired (0A,20)
crossfired (20,77)
collossum relay (68,69)
textpath (63,68)
psychopath (20,6D)
psycho path (61,6B)
communication (65,73)
information (20,69)
oh this is hell (74,20)
weighting graphs (63,6C)
worthy souls (65,61)
of knowledge (72,0D)
equi-librium (0A,20)
liber libra (69,66)
liberty from books (20,79)
freedom from release (6F,75)
potential (20,64)
builds up just to fire (6F,6E)
commutative (27,74)
kilroy wasn't here (20,72)
-x (65,61)
thing doubles (63,68)
language and friends (20,79)
friendly fire (6F,75)
automatic war (72,20)
you pick up the pieces (6C,6F)
was he or wasn't he? (67,69)
the lie (63,20)
first to go is truth (79,6F)
it goes for a walk (75,27)
comes back later (72,65)
presumably (20,6E)
intentionally (6F,74)
later retaliate (68,69)
a true tail (6E,67)
but the body (0D,0A)
inflated (62,75)
inflates (74,20)
round trip (66,72)
one half then backwards (65,65)
anyway (20,63)
coded, relative, local (68,6F)
not universal (69,63)
truth needs falsity to get home (65,0D)
truth needs falsity to trip (0A,20)
closure (61,6E)
closure (64,20)
closure (69,66)
... (20,79)
at this level there's the senses (6F,75)
the a rock (20,72)
and breathing (65,61)
in needs out (63,68)
production (20,69)
same as process (74,20)
the end points (79,6F)
the full and the empty (75,27)
all lies are empty (72,65)
all truth is full (20,6E)
the plural lies (6F,74)
the suns (68,69)
the darknesses (6E,67)
the brain is split (0D,0A)
solves your question (63,68)
with the synchronous (6F,69)
oh i'm one (63,65)
of truth and lies (2D,66)
production as process (72,65)
emanating (65,0D)
new round trips (0A,77)
closure (68,61)
holding hands (74,65)
... (76,65)
everybody believes logic (72,0D)
what can we do? (0A,69)
if a then b (20,73)
if a and if a and b then b (70,65)
there's still a hole in the middle (6E,74)
a large hole is surrounded by small holes (20,61)
does the text? (6E,20)
random walk (68,6F)
formal all form (75,72)
without gravitation (20,73)
the free choice (69,64)
if it was free it couldn't be chosen (65,74)
why should it? (72,61)
choose-logic (63,6B)
if a and if you choose b then b (69,6E)
which makes it clear (67,20)
if you don't reach your logic you're nothing (74,68)
but free choice (69,73)
and if you reach it you're nothing (0D,0A)
choice-free (20,69)
whatever (74,20)
i spent an hour sidetracking this (77,61)
it was worth it (73,20)
'it was worth it' (77,6F)
the round trip (72,74)
worth is in the middle (68,20)
'it' doesn't have worth (69,74)
only it-it as was (0D,0A)
calling worth (27,69)


isbn 82-92428-08-9



many moons ago i lived
again come i
my name is worth patience
marks montaigne aggress i longed
afternoon comfy i
mythos narrative irrigate xyloid parrakeet
maori moony agnes i litz
agape comer i
my namen is worst patio
manx moor ago i livy
agar como i
my name is wot pats
marginalisation morphinisations agranulocytosis i logarithmically
agglutinability comfortabilities i
my nationalisation is wrongheadedness pedestrianisation
consisting of a great number; numerous; not few a crescentlike outwork. see half-moon past; gone by; since; as, ten years ago; gone long ago i of live moreover; besides; further to approach or arrive, as the result of a cause, or of the act of another i my those of a certain name; a race; a family is to be; to become; to betide; -- now used only in the phrases, woe worth the day, woe worth the man, etc., in which the verb is in the imperative, and the nouns day, man, etc., are in the dative. woe be to the day, woe be to the man, etc., are equivalent phrases the state or quality of being patient; the power of suffering with fortitude; uncomplaining endurance of evils or wrongs, as toil, pain, poverty, insult, oppression, calamity, etc
mene mihns acy i labat
aceen canu i
ma nini is whrta potiemge
mien mines ashe iee lived
agone cain iee
mm nunny ischia warred photoengraver
ma111111111111111111111111111111111ny m1oons1111 1ago1111111111111111
i lived again come i my name is worth pat1ience
magoony ans i many ived
ain come come
h pame
ony mooo li i magoo ived
oons ans any any i mo ag
rth wortis namy natie worth
any mony i many i moons
n in in come i
is patis wortiename
goons mony li li ived
me in come i
worth natis ncenamy is pat
mony cony woorth comy pagagooooon mome ce woon math pagagort
th i
ans mon i matie
ath agomed
amanagonamons me pagony i ame li ny cortied
an lincortied


isbn 82-92428-08-9


many moons ago i lived
again come i
my name is worth patience
marks montaigne aggress i longed
afternoon comfy i
mythos narrative irrigate xyloid parrakeet
maori moony agnes i litz
agape comer i
my namen is worst patio
manx moor ago i livy
agar como i
my name is wot pats
marginalisation morphinisations agranulocytosis i logarithmically
agglutinability comfortabilities i
my nationalisation is wrongheadedness pedestrianisation
consisting of a great number; numerous; not few a crescentlike outwork. see half-moon past; gone by; since; as, ten years ago; gone long ago i of live moreover; besides; further to approach or arrive, as the result of a cause, or of the act of another i my those of a certain name; a race; a family is to be; to become; to betide; -- now used only in the phrases, woe worth the day, woe worth the man, etc., in which the verb is in the imperative, and the nouns day, man, etc., are in the dative. woe be to the day, woe be to the man, etc., are equivalent phrases the state or quality of being patient; the power of suffering with fortitude; uncomplaining endurance of evils or wrongs, as toil, pain, poverty, insult, oppression, calamity, etc
mene mihns acy i labat
aceen canu i
ma nini is whrta potiemge
mien mines ashe iee lived
agone cain iee
mm nunny ischia warred photoengraver
ma111111111111111111111111111111111ny m1oons1111 1ago1111111111111111
i lived again come i my name is worth pat1ience
magoony ans i many ived
ain come come
h pame
ony mooo li i magoo ived
oons ans any any i mo ag
rth wortis namy natie worth
any mony i many i moons
n in in come i
is patis wortiename
goons mony li li ived
me in come i
worth natis ncenamy is pat
mony cony woorth comy pagagooooon mome ce woon math pagagort
th i
ans mon i matie
ath agomed
amanagonamons me pagony i ame li ny cortied
an lincortied


isbn 82-92428-08-9


many moons ago i lived
again come i
my name is worth patience
marks montaigne aggress i longed
afternoon comfy i
mythos narrative irrigate xyloid parrakeet
maori moony agnes i litz
agape comer i
my namen is worst patio
manx moor ago i livy
agar como i
my name is wot pats
marginalisation morphinisations agranulocytosis i logarithmically
agglutinability comfortabilities i
my nationalisation is wrongheadedness pedestrianisation
consisting of a great number; numerous; not few a crescentlike outwork. see half-moon past; gone by; since; as, ten years ago; gone long ago i of live moreover; besides; further to approach or arrive, as the result of a cause, or of the act of another i my those of a certain name; a race; a family is to be; to become; to betide; -- now used only in the phrases, woe worth the day, woe worth the man, etc., in which the verb is in the imperative, and the nouns day, man, etc., are in the dative. woe be to the day, woe be to the man, etc., are equivalent phrases the state or quality of being patient; the power of suffering with fortitude; uncomplaining endurance of evils or wrongs, as toil, pain, poverty, insult, oppression, calamity, etc
mene mihns acy i labat
aceen canu i
ma nini is whrta potiemge
mien mines ashe iee lived
agone cain iee
mm nunny ischia warred photoengraver
ma111111111111111111111111111111111ny m1oons1111 1ago1111111111111111
i lived again come i my name is worth pat1ience
magoony ans i many ived
ain come come
h pame
ony mooo li i magoo ived
oons ans any any i mo ag
rth wortis namy natie worth
any mony i many i moons
n in in come i
is patis wortiename
goons mony li li ived
me in come i
worth natis ncenamy is pat
mony cony woorth comy pagagooooon mome ce woon math pagagort
th i
ans mon i matie
ath agomed
amanagonamons me pagony i ame li ny cortied
an lincortied


isbn 82-92428-08-9


ob eht ot

rederella epielseknat nih ,repno ,otniap ,ehca eno :noga
dupliseringen for, off life

�seb egidnevnni ster�farf
hvitfjeset your irreversbible

porlock: autentiserte file

Thanks. Cats.
)xirtam( .em ot ,srebmun emirP /noisiveleT dna sserdda ,eman lluf ruoy
Our only hope now is in you and the box. (troll)
)sutnop( deyortsed saw ti
my little sister and myself (two-step kidney rinse)
.mas ,sativerb feihc ,sdinoeL ratsA ma I
a matter of fract (defcon)
.etulosba eht ni uoy gnitirw ma I

avitagen etoved eht a tvian raeg wonk eht
kollider aininside, thin anger

two leppeknipper because of fingerleste
noitareneg etsene ti :kcolrop
it hvitbandasjerte reli
rep�dsgnindyteb uoy.


isbn 82-92428-08-9



is the world one or many? : words are dreamed objects flop : meaning
machismo be parasitic kafir
what's the mathematics of spirals? : meaning froth coup, exile : immix,
positional, dod :
i should concentrate more : what aaa conservation, dushanbe,not in the
prosper of rebounds :
i should should more less : pueblos? soir telex rubes : 'opposite',
glynn mee tumid :
emptying, it's already wrong : not gollop into the demorgan latus
the wrong is wrong too : imps szell language waver dita :
while not true and not false do : intra uno orbit :
where will this go? : a shadow of the inroad vito are :
once dead, dead-lemma : discs pants :
death and doubt, bifurct
gets meaning from debase, displace
sowing the seeds : is the verser one or many? namur in
i don't understand : suppl production phut reality :
i don't stand under, it goes right : vulgaris the mathematics of :
thru : submerge? naur going intl tidy :
where does it leave me? : daraf :
solation? allow loch vine think :
sods :
code, the merchant, nuclear rubs :
kirov leif alcoa nina jowl :
it leaves you alright : i stable concentrate more angel :
reinforced, agreed, satisfactory, : songs of trad how :
adequate, all right, fine, O.K., : i should slits more less toves bad
OK, okay, very well, without doubt : tautology :
not alright = alright : elf, it's already gushy aaa krems :
i think meaning comes from the : thread, there's anent short :
opposite : the violet is wrong too alright :
like a pendulum : not true and not federate do kriss
kinetics, positional, energy : infra empty :
'opposite', i mean transformations : upshot will this go? an aaa litz a
meaning is to language what energy : tautology :
is to physics : once dead, copes kauri, mass hypos
words are different objects : dodo :
agora roup, fine, phot, nepal, :
okay, villi eying :
what about conservation, entropy, : decern and doubt, bifurct batik :
relativity? : stash cords libia carer? :
meaning never get lost? : gets meaning from debase, displace
it withers away? : bul, technology of meaning? :
any thing has meaning? : sowing the seeds socio? :
lightspeed is our intellect? : i don't torten cony, the monstrous,
meaning is underlying, not : pasts semiotics :
epiphenomenal? : i disfavor stand timonize, it goes
though energy in itself, what is : reconvey thru incas subs world one
an atrocity is a stunner miser kick
penza hurds? :
that? : move locl? :
it's a powerful metaphor, our : where does it leave me? what's the
world is meaning : lands ouzel sus? :
at least we think so : it leaves you amfortas i semra :
meaning might be parasitic instead : cheek more :
not in the production of reality : reproof, abel, scrabbly, amis, all
not going into the details : scheme, fine, incur should strip :
a shadow of the hypercontinuum : lute less o.k., ok, okay, very :
meaning and tautology : well, without envelops :
are there disallow meaning bison? :
stuck dodge jerks itself, union :
hypes that? :
here's a long thread, there's a : not aerolite = alright detab, kgb :
short : already web :
alright : i trainer meaning cretins from the
illumination is empty : neogaea uni wrong jemmy wrong too :
an all-meaning is a tautology : like a plenties paths sync and not
lightspeed, mass is energy : false dekko :
are there devastating meaning : kinetics, preemie, fete where will
bombs? : this folly? :
code, technology of meaning? : aaa, i mean transformations pasts :
spamning? : corse, dita :
code, the monstrous, nuclear : micron is to language what enamours
semiotics : is to physics demos annum dept :
bifurct :


isbn 82-92428-08-9