what's the answer to this question?
isbn 82-92428-08-9
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h r f
p ` xn.
all information adds to _x_
getting widely informed _x_
wildly _x_
pouring reign _x_
whatever adds _x_
what subtracts _?_
what? _x_
the what _x_
leeching _x_
tract _x_
less _x_
is there ever subtraction _?_
if a road divides then it divides _x_
or _x_
and multiply _x_
neurons grow _x_
the map slows down driving _x_
but speeds up destination _x_
that's the arrow _x_
of time _?_
for each combination it slows _x_
salesman's route _x_
new roads _x_
what about overflow _?_
footprints on the sea _x_
fluid cognition _?_
everything is the same _x_
but walking demands two legs _?_
hey, a fly on my leg _x_
and flying two wings _?_
the two _x_
well what does the sea know _?_
know is the two _x_
so it knows the land well _x_
and the map knows the land well _x_
without being the sea _!_
good move _?!_
without moving _x_
sea moves, map doesn't _x_
what's the difference _?_
something stands for something else _x_
sea doesn't stand _x_
understand _x_
sink _x_
support _?_
endure _?_
if everything floats _?_
sure _x_
secure _x_
< L s?c?rus carefree _x_
if it's sure it's carefree _x_
are you sure? i don't care if i'm sure _x_
do you care? i care if i'm not sure _x_
what is sure _?_
the sea is shore _x_
shore, like care is less _x_
under-standing-on the sure _x_
r duh w ro omnk &marcela ü sheperdess & ùro om r aac e r a [mbi [ after works by l ing l oc k after works by k l l k l l es s a n u n g ee g es s a n c lo c k o rm im h c lo c k gu i Archi gu i [c. __ isbn 82
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Ink Cartridges after works by l
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Archi gu i [c. __ isbn 82
cameand he yawe ma anmode heie he stopped in eman roor
mi dpmy and he yawe m yadi t sa aand h Heth H ywai a d rand and h H
yadi for te He He ywaknife and Ht and HeAn he wa Hero and I andWhe I
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Yes and h then he knand he kno When and he k yadi t s Yes a and I
never foundTook a he stopped and he k Anth br he turned and he andTook
a he stopped in -where we He-o andand he s then h and he he turWhere
and he ap -whe he stopped in he turned and Yes a andTook then h Took
a he st-where wer a he came and he tthen he anmode heie Just she wa
roor mi dp anude ho knock and hHe Hean yadi t sa a amid i Home th ywai
a d r then heie turnyadi t sa anmo yadi yome mic i and he turn He ywa
angi a eoy thanude ho knoc H elie no dkand I nev He eamn of p and he
tur He elie amid i and He eamnthen he I w Ht and Hean I wasn he He
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kno and he ya sw i and he k then he breaki and I never f and he sand
he t An and he turneanti i nyp f he turned and he and I never he turned
an He-o and I never came walking breaki and he he tur blade and You
take a he stopped in tha I never camTook a he stopp an like yome Took
a he stopped You taelhe n and he t then he neHe Heam Just s and he tu
annet hai anude ho knock and h I wasnt at homanode h�y stop amid i n
then hthen then heie turn and I I wafor tea I yome mic i anude
huithen he a angi a eoy th i wasnfor te elie no dk then hau tu aJust so
you t eamn of p i washui ca elie n yaw na he wa a He eam rooand H ya
sw i yhui came He roo mHe Het he He ya sI wasnt and He. __ isbn
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101 115 32 111 102 32 104 97 118 105 110 103 32 97 32 98 111 100 121 44
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beginning, not the body's algorithms (production system), or it's you
can't avoid, going through the steps. eurythmics is at the end, or the
still alive though with no reason, and not producing or seeking, still
views but let's call it dancing since there are movements and, well, the
thing is time, not selfish-algorithmic (producing) or
unselfish-heuristic (seeking), unending streams, and you find yourself
jumping from this to that all the mess, like the layered virtues of our
reality, the real being transcendent, quickly you're replacing
algorithms with heuristics, which is more of a bit via the positive,
which is like the virtue of a view, formula, though T000 S412 O600 U524
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to identify retarded art In 2004, the minister of The famous physiologist,M
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landing surprisingly in wo anders, sain overachieves --------------
isbn 82-92428-08-9
then it moves into shell
scell sciell shcil skel Goth skalja
norw. 'forskjell': to distinguish
1. a hard outer covering of an animal
so then
the punchline
the climactic phrase or sentence in a joke, speech, advertisement, or humorous story that produces the desired effect
[1870�75; from CLIMAX, perh. on model of SYNTAX, SYNTACTIC]
summit, zenith, acme, apex
they were pleased as Punch
conventional plot consisting chiefly of slapstick humor and the tragicomic misadventures of the grotesque, hook-nosed, humpback buffoon Punch and his wife Judy.
male climax only last for so long
rest is shell
insign, mark
lin�gam (ling�g�m), n.
1. Sanskrit Gram. the masculine gender.
2. (in popular Hinduism) a phallus, symbol of Siva.Also, lin�ga (ling�g�). Cf. yoni.
[< Skt li�ga mark, gender, phallus]
Shi�va (sh?�v�), n. Hinduism.
"the Destroyer,' the third member of the Trimurti, along with Brahma the Creator and Vishnu the Preserver.Also, Siva.
[< Skt: lit., the auspicious]
Shiva-and-Vishnu show
triad: creator, preserver, and destroyer
dyad: creator-destroyer and preserver
(mis-)fortune and loop
poor man punchline
1. possible, as opposed to actual
2. capable of being or becoming: a potential danger to safety
survival of the sign-shell
safe in your arms
arms in your safe
[1250�1300; (adj.) ME sauf, saf < AF saf, OF sauf < L salvus intact, whole; (n.) late ME save, orig. deriv. of SAVE1, assimilated to the adj.; cf. SALVATION]
11. Slang. a condom.
4. Theol. deliverance from the power and penalty of sin; redemption.
danger to safety
[1175�1225; ME da(u)nger < AF; OF dangier, alter. of dongier (by influence of dam DAMAGE) < VL *domni�rium, equiv. to L domini(um) DOMINION + -�rium, neut. of -�rius -ARY]
dong3 (d�ng, dong), n. Slang (vulgar). penis. [1915�20, Amer.; orig. uncert.]
poor man
he's so tediously 1. sharp, keen. 2. interesting. 7. bright.
poor signed
[1375�1425; late ME < L praegnant- (s. of praegn�ns), var. of PRAEGN�S, equiv. to prae- PRE- + *gn�t- (akin to ( g)n�tus born, gignere to bring into being) + -s nom. sing. ending]
1. a human being, whether man, woman, or child: The table seats four persons
2. a human being as distinguished from an animal or a thing
[1590�1600; < L hom� man; OL hem� the earthly one (see HUMUS); akin to L h?m�nus HUMAN; c. OE guma, OIr duine, Welsh dyn man, Lith �m�n3s men]
hu�mus (hy��m�s or, often, y��-), n.
the dark organic material in soils, produced by the decomposition of vegetable or animal matter and essential to the fertility of the earth.
[1790�1800; < L: earth, ground; akin to Gk chama? on the ground, chth�n earth, Skt k�am-, Lith �:m3, Serbo-Croatian z�mlja ground, earth; cf. CHAMELEON, CHTHONIAN, ZEMSTVO; see HOMO]
poor woman
whether man, woman, or child: The table seats four persons
quaternity, four corners, two dimensions
three dimensions, eight corners
they are the ends
Usage. See individual, party, people, they
[1150�1200; ME < ON their they (r. OE h?(e)); c. OE th�, pl. of th�t THAT]
[bef. 900; ME; OE th�t (pronoun, adj., adv. and conj.), orig., neut. of se the; c. D dat, G das(s), ON that, Gk t�, Skt tad]
19. (used elliptically to introduce an exclamation expressing desire, a wish, surprise, indignation, or other strong feeling): Oh, that I had never been born
[bef. 1000; ME; OE boren (ptp. of beran to BEAR1), equiv. to bor- ptp. s. + -en -EN3]
to bear a meaning
sign (s?n), n.
1. a token; indication.
2. any object, action, event, pattern, etc., that conveys a meaning.
3. a conventional or arbitrary mark, figure, or symbol used as an abbreviation for the word or words it represents.
4. a motion or gesture used to express or convey an idea, command, decision, etc.: Her nod was a sign that it was time to leave
yata? �aca!
�aca? yata!
isbn 82-92428-08-9
i'm so sleepy
yes the split then
the two
and then two
and then one
the pruduct
water flows
swollen two
loves one
all one in the the down eight
moby curtis
vin hatchet
nothing to build
i stay in the center
all is arabesque
esthetical sickness
context transport inc.
art is a double meaning, thought of hacking, the input is interpreted in
a new way (already i'm nauseous)
but at the basis, a step back and forth,
oh this is hopeless
i was just listening to this radio interview, an art critic, i'm so
nauseous. blogging a dead horse
Det kan ta flere timer f�r et skip kan reddes utenfor kysten p� vestlandet
eller nord-norge.
let's go
isbn 82-92428-08-9