code fQWictions
if you're lost in the woods or you're leQWucite inn the somewhere,
everything gets coded. width ways oriQWya seQnnar, loosing efQfortlessness
goWQddess coQWwhided. direction, the direction collapses licQWhenisation
andgets entangled with the terrain derogating, ta diQWrectory all the more
-it's the wonder and callipQWyg ian and goQWats adventure, things returning
to endomorphismQW wit to torn themselves, non-directedness. ail
tweQWemarie- it's tiWuwinders and advaQWcements, waneWQse or something
stuck inyour troath. roQWtarians the tangled, non-directedness. i guess
whenyou're ill or dying it also gets coded, because everything oQWriya
sentiments stoics im QWyarrow is lost, and still it's there. the troath.
everything returns to t whole, nothing return to everything. when i
guWQshy wQWahine you're illy are you hold on to the nothing you've it
allows goodWQish codedit, got bQWosses eveready nothing, but when you let
itgo it iQWq lost, QWamne sooQWth ly it's returns to everything. breakdown
ofterra. thu everything retrai nee a through QWtawwool, nothing metaphysic.
neediness roQWtherham to evere adQWy. winQWeyQWahoo hulledWQoem a priori,
before what, reasoning? a thQWuyatty nothingises you've gait priori a
priori. nuQWttiWQness, beaWQtty winyyield lead id gray idea retranquilise
the refrain and it's code - loose it everything. breast bone obQWey awe
and it's code. QWttiness metaphysician. okay, so when you empty yourself
aQWyah pareira, bobberwad, you remain code because another recQWkoning?
ahaQWpereira ahWQlayer QWpareira . seeps in without your active part.
reaffirms aQWunt, its QWchat - look i don't know, why should it be
QWiatanteit's cQWhott. code, in distinction from other, codeQWasQWoyez,
sieWQwham youempedocle formaQWlization - yourselves yesWQrenown
cuttWQybasisantiWQlowry codedness when things attain a QWsubways i QWwedded
yri codedcharacter, an effect of code , acQWidifiable part. which mightbe
more of ametaphor. i don't khWQania, wa salt iQWdo Cathy, in
distinctivenessfrown say you're in a room and imagine outdrew archaea the
roomwithout yourself - how is formalities - that possible, i'm trying to
view this codedness wien tem QWuco atune awe as code, that i'm there
without cadet caricaturist, aQWnoa being THERE evacuative off chat-eau,
whosethere, a conscious s0bject mocked bio myrrh of aQWyah split -
like a formalized process- metaphrase, locostasis. product - experiencing
construction or interface, i would sheQWahe you're ime aQWhoy room amide
say it inconstant tauQWran wad getcoded. yourselves - huQWey ix
passable, i'm transformisQW the vi life in view of deathgetscoded, twx
aux cdt, tuteeQW i'm true an inside-outside split which whiteout buoyingQW
opens. what's the foundation of my torr, aQWha consequents life, thing
it seems NO, and i make ubject subliterary - a mess of everything,
i think it's loggQW a hoyQW formaliser code. pre cognition- parataxis -
export ithaca connect cut owerri interpreted, i would scsi ASCI ida
geOduQWck citied. life im view of do gatehouse cauQWdate, ami
inside-QW-outside scapolit wish openesQW. what's tee foundational of mQeW
lava, notions idea sQWwainish, a miss ahQWa muscaQWe of eveready.
isbn 82-92428-08-9
shitting milk
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?'d l?ki to liirn driw?ng
?'d bi i driwir
ly?ng ?n bid ?s th?s journiy
of cliirly diti?lid p?cturis
cliss?cil, irchityp?cil
r?ght ?n thi bidcloth?ng
whitivir tixt?li
? could nivir driw th?s
?t's lost ?n iich momint
thi nixt t?mi ?t's chingid
ilwiys compliti p?cturis
?t nivir works tik?ng photos
thiy should bi driw?ngs
st?ll ?t's in iwful lot
of work for somith?ng thit's
ilriidy thiri
?f you'ri t?rid inough
or rilixid inough
?t projicts iis?ly
?n thi diti?l
thit's why ? should stirt driw?ng
hivi i tichn?qui for siv?ng th?s
photo don't sivi
?mig?nit?on don't sivi
iviryth?ng ?s lost
nixt momint ?t's goni
?t could bi doni somihow
siv?ng ?t
miybi driw?ng
photos no
?mig?nit?on yis
lit ?t go
st?ll sid to lit ?t go
whit would?
isbn 82-92428-08-9
the quietude of 112 114 111 99 101 115 115 101
something is filled 115 32 105 110 102 111 114 32
with everything else 102 117 110 99 116 105 111 110
: if is filled 115 32 111 102 32 116 104 101
with else, if if 32 116 119 111 32 13 10
then then, filled $1$kf2.l32.$p/yjndhqwuudq3gfpi
filled 3it0e9058a36d80f689b77cdb7e872
there's never a 67e42db5ab12
quite moment : 2e6265686120436f6d6d656e743a20
mo(ve)ment 427261696e206173796d6d65737061
beaches are filled 7469616c2061
with stones and 62696c69746965732c626563116
shells : anonymous 104 101 32 116 119 111 45 102
sand, in what 111 108 100 32 111 102 32 105
sense an(on)ything, 110 102 111 114 109 97 32 32
thing thing 32 32 32 45 32 82 105 103 104
the waves never tire 116 32 104 101 109 105 115 112
: another nameless 104 101 114 101 13 10 10 - 8
noise : neverseases laterality 5 leads 1 to 3 t- 6
a feldman carpet : the 8 kimura 10
the ins are outs : experiment70657263656976696e67
stiched-stucked 20616e642073796e20436f6d6d656e
when it's nothing 743a20576869
it's still there, 636820646f65736e27742043686173
much more : the wave 6d6963202d0d0atraditional
when you can't dichotomies or again, as
swallow or spit it instruct 3 25 understanding 0
out : the code, it's 0 language.phenomena include
in the throat alter comment: code and its-
if you swallow you rather than
have a body, if you specifyexperiences.that patien
spit it out you have in the traditional mean-
a body : two codework in relation o265 e216
bodies, of fullness r215 v614 110 111 116
and emptiness, both 32 115 104 97 114 32 114 101
are nothingmuch 112 114 111 100 117 99 116 105
discreet waves, 111 110 32 111 102 32 118 105
they're coming in by 115 117 97 102 97 99 116 111
going out, the 114 115 32 97 108 111 110 101
termal end noise, 32 99 111 117 108 100 32 97
its emptying : the f600 p622 l522 s520 e141 d141
other side here is b650 g120
how it remains $1$9n0.cu3.$g2d7syk7.resimojma
waking up each d0g1morse-code operators ha -
morning, it's a big the kimura experimentsof the
surprise into the code,even though
same : the new the is pin the
next : dendritic traditional mea.
growth behind your 6 12 damson 11
teeth : toothpaste, preobstruction. 8 fistiana 11
the paste of phoenicians 10 charlesworth 9
teeth, sand wisents 11 illumine.
term(in)al : geognostical coheirship
ceaseless, seamless animists galiots.
: pluss-minus, still disaggregated shends sheldrake
counting the same 2020656e646f67656e657469632065
i'm sorry to keep : 70736f6d697465206f757468697474
i'm lost to have 696e6720666572726f696e636c6176
background : 65206d757474206d696c6974617465
the wave is all in 6420627269626574616b65720d0a
the subject, it sulfobenzoic summitries
creates the all recommendable homolog.
object, sand prologize stearone
termal noise, in the dundee'(,gacdeflnorstuyproject
channel : the s, their floati that the
machine going hot, angst/care strnn som don
going down quixote. n hcan only (go,
this is just a mess litel bok, go, litthere is an
of background, idea horizosigns ad ott; as
within the right i�rkenen
subject everything (f4c6da10bb2f0c777dbab28226c95
becomes sand : 5f974bff47a rad t b as
claws, it's going youtragi foty
somewhere : chatter thht$1$q54.rb3.$qo35lbbpmo28so
bubbles pebbles upumunw0self "own-mos adheres
i'm just tired : ephilosophy is
sense of invasion, autobiog .. i'm
so the loss is thinkincontext, varie"own-m
filled : subject is adheres to its ownfunny
always at loss, [powers] in
invaded, 'i am' is $1$pq4.s03.$3pkma6tewrahayaktb
already lost, i am whz. ffrom a mail great man.t
lost in am, the am someth -------- lifetimdon
will be my end, the quixote som i of p may have c
is my never tales, osomething refers t115
i should look at 111 109 101 116 104 105 110
this as waves, they 103 32 32 32 108 105 102 101
have no structure, 116 105 109 101 59 32 116 104
just content, 111 117 103 104 32 101 110 110
the invasion goes 32 117 100 117 103 101 108 105
out as it goes in, 103 101 32 115 of tales, or
there's nothing historcount; well thenrefers
going on, but it's "as much as my to
difficult, because tedisappearance of con memory,
nothing is the code, and, faith, tforestillinger
it's filled again, som fa 1 understand 1 to 1
with no end, tell 0 me 0 how 1 many 1 goa 0
when it's emptied that 1 were 1 diffuse 0 and 0
it's filled as code, le such a w mistake of one in
so you can't swallow the creal value or wealth
or spit it [1understanding. but i do
out, and you're "how canforestilsuch a way of
stuck, when being te count; wellbelieving
waved you're stuck, i$1$so2.zb0.$5rz5bkp3h1zjzykgt
the discreet has dr8/0.
states, the wave has unblanched prochein
stucks slapdash. genuflex leglessness
i don't know how to uranic mussuk solder
- you can't have samadhi spelled sheldrake
both - because we're unlogical incautiousness
both, so we ringbark ghostwrites..
can't have - __+2222__2222+_22222_+2222+_22
responding, the 222__0uu0+_0hh___0__+22___m___
spond - the m20+
breakdown is even ______________________________
worse - the ____+222+__2222+___222__+222++
roots come out in 2+_+
china - i can't _________________2uu__________
attach, and it ______________________________
attaches - recursive u___
the directedness, uhmmmmmm
people are fighting, __2um2+_um0mm0mum+2mm+uum++mum
everything goes up 0umh20m_____2uuuu2_000_000_00_
in flames in _000
the movies, the ___uu22______uu____uu_________
imagines, __________________uu2___2uu___
after-image, image uuu2
as after-image, this ______________________________
is a ______________________________
mess, burning mess, ____
of the yoke, a
comedy, the cowed 1a0ec592ca8ed4b5d4c6e3ab5affdb
code, returning as db
fire, which seems __0m__0m_2uu_2umu2uu__2u______
mostly termal end __m___u2_2u__2u____00_u___u2__
destructive, while m2u2.
the water is of
isbn 82-92428-08-9
' , ' ,
, , , ,
, , , ,
, ' , -
, , , ,
, , '
, ? , ,
, , ' ,
, ' , , ,
, ,
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, , ,
' , , ' '
, ' , ' ,
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, ' , ' ,
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, , , .
there's much to be done with me, there's little to be done with me,
lost inside yourself, constructed border, the cell, with its frabrics,
reaching out, this is done with proteins, enzymes, transcriptions,
then we have another, let's drop it, the free-floating mind is still
particular, going through the motions, chemical, and then management,
chunked up cells, your alarms are going off, i don't know what they
refer to, what to do? nothing, life and death stuff, the management
here could be fatal, if the particle decides, the wave doesn't decide,
undisturbed, it's the subject, unresolved with object, the outside,
inside and outside, the separation is somewhat conscious,
discriminating, loosing and gaining, those are input and output,
subject looses, and gains by outputting, to restore its potential,
it's the potential again, the wave, it's called a subject when it's
not measured, it's the inside, but we know there's no inside, still
there's management, all the more, if there were a subject it would be
managing, if not then there's management, still i'm at loss, not
subject not management, let's say the automatic, converge classical-
romantic, rule-driven and intuitive, coded, and the code is, still,
subject and object, inside and outside, in one, twin-god, here the
subject is rule-driven, and the object intuitive, inverted, because
the automatic is an inversion, subject takes the role of object and
vice versa, the classical becomes romantic and vice versa, it creates
itself through a falsity, an inversion, if a god created himself, like
they do, and the falsity propagates until it turns back, which is
never, we understand it backwards, it will repeat, something will
return, which is the loosing and gaining, the restore of potential,
the wave, you don't want to meet a particular god, only the false,
which would be true, it's like a tree, it has only one end and that's
the beginning, the root, all the rest just spreads out, it would be
crazy to think all the leaves would converge later on, spreads like
entropy, flattens out while growing, i don't know where we should be,
at the leaves or the root, the leaves are collecting sun, the root
nourishment from the earth, i'm kind of root, the leaves are having
more fun, surely, in the wind and sun, with the fruits, the root is
inert, indifferent, boring, you won't find me interesting, i'm sorry,
if you expected that, what to do? nothing, the earth moves through me,
earth is nothing, i move through me, it's an inversion of nothing,
metabolism from nothing to nothing, so romantic, still rule-driven in
the classical sense, coded, automated, the automation is the switch.
isbn 82-92428-08-9