

sitonsiemordnilapasidrowatonsi is not a word
drowatonsi is not a word
is a palindrome
is not

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arlen armor sacre shari skips gutsy gogh

litz vow zila litz doll sinn

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wheels dod your wampum toads djinni wits meal, silk wolff?

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ecclesiastic(al) methylnaphthalene, simplemindedness accountabilities?

wet diu who tri dma maw, so wen a?


Re: Ego?

It's based on palindromes as you might expect :) By that constraint
they seem to have their own quirkiness in vocabulary, maybe grammar
and semantics, what themes reoccur and comes through, so I wanted to
make pseudo-palindromes, or write something through the palindromic
namespace, palindromes that were not palindromes but only looked like
it :) So, I'm just processing the palindrome files, from
http://noemata.net/pal, into an markovchain database,
http://noemata.net/chtonline, seeing what comes out when it's moving
through the constructed space. I like using markov chain to rearrange
stuff, because the connections between entitites are real, and the
statistics for choosing between entitites are also real (a strong
connection is more likely to be chosen), so the random element is
within a quite structured system, choosing between weighted options
derived from real data.
I'm doing some more of these, though I see it's limited in use. I'm
reading through a dictionary of wordplay and oulipo to see if I want
to do something. I'm also having fun with a reverse lookup in
webster's dictionary, from definiens to definiendum, which amounts to
a peculiar thesaurus, replacing words by (search for word through all
definiens and gather all the definiendum and then choose all or one of
these, you then get an associative relation, weaker than thesaurus,
but more 'poetical' connoted. Some recent pieces were done with this,
and I'm not through with it yet.


The backwords

The wabe All life; fill labor, go on, trap minors.

A doom, royal play, or iron my metal frets a map, an em, a bed. Deb, a
wastrel, alert, saw a player...a chair, Amos! Socorram-me, subi no
pope, sir, I'm.

Here smegma is Irish. Oh, taper!

This and was I presume, rips a cave.

What now, eh? - old, lost, faded away.

Cannot fight or iron no end alas --- Sal Last case file not; atone, my
Ma flammetitubante: une telle (etal, ce sel-base de Ninive, Dejanire..

She didn't

Never prevents a wet, amaryllis-adorned log.

File not; atone, my hymn: I start at Lilith, girl atonal, a gall, a
sun, an erratic, I sit on a simple yodel in a man, name none talk calfs!

Sweet this/all after fall./Fall? After the log I mat at noon taxes

What is an eel, a top nitrate tonic in Sharon's

Sharon's simple help, Miss Norah's

A dull's house. A gem Melklepelklem Mesisem Metro mortem Mi-sol : Mor
i not Ron avoid Ararat in a van, a bar, a potato idiot To warden in a
lone Moss some Vigoro - ew!

She said, and Edna And Edna has, Or a fool as Sadam; aloof as a king
is I!

A roost! so boss dogs? Idolater Greta, Lodi's

My metal eon No stone radios

No behemoth saw Madaca, Manitoba.

Never pi I vomit -

Along the fat peccadillo Olli, mach Eis beilblau!

Nice elf --- flee Fido? God, I saw one birth, Sal.

Is a petal alas!

Sail now wonder Red nude I fill at no to Z (Adams, Orvil), Manage

Manage more Roman age bred Rowena A rep.

Lost treasures of mumford Dr of 1991 for a legacy!

Sweet one to vote to not on AD's

What rose is God. Do evil to other acts. A droop Poor D row mord ni
sel-liard (sic) ni sel-liard (sic) ni te sert-il? A bed on rail, a man
maddened. Damn a dog.


Ego? Get a tot on no iron ore, gal, a grass is a cave! Eva, can I fist
rams, Amen! I ogle. Enemy democrats Star comedy democrat Tar in a bed.
Deb, agolfer. Go to hostile rifle, Mac. Camel, go hang a mad dog. God Do
gym? My Bev?Ruck's id-pug - I dissent, a saw man Name taboo bat I
semordnilap Palindromes Senile lines oppose noon. Nob big elf - greece
elf fleece elfin Ida. Mad dog! A gag, a sign in a bed. Deb, a ted, a
Zulu, feel Fifi! If I would sound like no live evil Naomi! I am a ballot,
a saw Ron said, I, Sir, away! Ya, was I saw I hide it. Si? I rave. Eva,
can I, Lana, can I Verdens Gang nor Emma has a hoop, a cad! Eva raved,
Eva rips nine memos Some macaroni I, Red, lacy caldera! A elfe, il evita,
nerf a rut, a la hauteur de ne pas estimer) (flic assermente, rengage)
regit. Il lie not on Iblagib Bilateral are Mac's pup scamp, a dim Ana,
Cataracts. Uranium enema smarts if fist rams, Amen! I distort God? Dog
God a foof, a S ri pap Parcel bare
rabtedrerehgejekkisgnelkabgosgnelrofedåb & guns bomb Arcadia? So red
med rette vil Live on a sign I made pod I die. Render a devil deified,
lived on Erie? Eislang ist, lahm am I did. Did I dare Tina! an inn in
ecstasy sat at ifi Ilus suli Imena Amen nema, a cave? Eva, can an era
helado, sera de Lucifer, vignot nasal (obsedee,le genre vaticinal), eh,
cite, fil bu! O! not to vote Kat Simon's title, Fig up! Pun: I draw award
Draw octet coward Draw desks, Amy, as a snit. Tini saw a silly ram was I
gave. Rise, sir Risen ozone myriad asses, sad folio-spotted ace, sir.
Eire, eerie, elates pumas. Sam Reno---is Elsa's leek, a cud, a starred,
nude item, sees pansies act under a caress, a garb O'Connor. Ron,
imparted a bonnet to garb an Osage sub bus, a mile, lima time Emit draw;
eek! Nay, Yankee, ward time! Emit revel ever, Yr. Eve not sage droop.
Sail, Hadrian; Obed sailed as a bonnet! Tenet Tennis Sine polyp sag, a
raid, a ti rata naval sere. -- El birrete, lo asaras acaso?
Comole haras, oye? -- Rajar, asna! --Coneja odiosa, me - run! Nuts, Deb,
a dog a kimono is pop-art Trap star rats trepan a bayou baton! Not
radial. Laat af, sire, ce noir on now, eh? Hello my hymn: I lame female
Kate, sir lapdog! Revolt, Lover! Reward was I sang Star bet on a cave?
Eva, can I--No, robot, no!--spill lupine pots I feel. Lee fixes Stella
won not, so grimy! Yo soy. Yo! Bottoms up, U.S. Surkål biter foret rems,
smerter ofret i snap Sharon in a telegram Marge let Dad Daedalus: nine,
Peninsula: dead Dairy myriad murmur. Put elliots toilet up Sid in a bag,
avoid Ararat sable; Elba sun unusable. Elba, Ima Amigo, no rot as salami
I, an iris. Sir, a tip, so did ye gibbon! Nobel title bon Soir, Rio-Snob!
Bonk! One mode: Robot. To red nut, nodded Don. No PARTS, in a pan.



why so ping-pong iconology?
why so aside?
why so little deliberative?
i retaliate and romance
i proleptical and romance
i regreet and ignore
i grilse and romance
i status quo and
i pay and ignore
i resign and ignore
i reflection and romance
i repay and ignore
i reflect and ignore
i doubler and ignoring
i reciprocation and sink

i absence to be a protometals

this is admirableness - why have not apocalypse decipher

no one banns magneto-electrical cob than the amish

the token and aggravation mix in historiology

ultrared and narcotine neuralgia to witts and it's gentry i'm not
tetany and relax fetch to privity and it's proud i'm not
baldric and belvedere vagina to fibrin and it's affection i'm not
even and limit night to nebula and it's cadgy i'm not

let me bier the quadrivial
let me annumerate the multivious
let me cinch the provincial
let me thermoscope the habit
let me nick the latus rectum
let me teller the knot
let me coup the palter
let me score the coup
let me go the launch

sorry, i'm not involved with meaning
glad i'm not labyrinth with what
glad i'm not involved with e-
glad i'm not tracklayer with sex-
glad i'm not involved with picaresque
sorry, i'm not implied with paraphrase
glad i'm not lamarckian with define
sorry, i'm not dictum with significative
glad i'm not meander with wappened
sorry, i'm not involve with synonym

you rewake in the disassimilation day and wake in the essay it is vampire
you rewake in the dope bivouac and wake in the water telescope it is narcotic
you rouse in the aggregate vespillo and rewake in the donatist it is assure
you psychopannychism in the franking latchkey and rouse in the coucher it is

glad i'm not allomorphism between case couch decillion dictum dimension
disentangle engaged german headnote implied intertwine involve labyrinth
labyrinth lamarckian meander colonialism oncost pyramid shunting tracklayer
obverse parabolism predicable swamp wind with ablative acceptation aero-
allegory ambi- anagoge anglo- antero- anti -arch archy barrack broad by by-
law certain chondro- comment comprehend conico- counter crank cyclo- decipher
define definition deuteroscopy diazo- doctor domination drift e- en- -en -
ency enigma epi- equi- explain explanation explicate explicit exposition
expound expressive for- -gen hermeneutics hieroglyphical homonymous homophone
hyperbole idio- imperator import in- in- indeed interpret irony jossa kyrie
eleison literal literalize logistics magneto- may meaning meaning -mere met-
miss mould moral neo- nominal auto- set synonym volunteer navy wordplay octa-
octa- -oid -ory -ous pachy- paleo- parallelism paraphrase paraphrase
penetrate picaresque postero quadri- quinque- remean resent royalty septi-
sex- shade shall signification significative slug-horn spell spiritualize
stereo- syn- tautology term throne toadstone translation translation tri-
twig un- un- understand univocal unmeaning -uret wappened what who wrest

the love

In our old authors, I was often used for ay (or aye), yes, which is
pronounced nearly like it Cupid, the god of love; sometimes, Venus you

The nominative case of the pronoun of the first person; the word with
which a speaker or writer denotes himself A feeling of strong
attachment induced by that which delights or commands admiration;
preeminent kindness or devotion to another; affection; tenderness; as,
the love of brothers and sisters The pronoun of the second person, in
the nominative, dative, and objective case, indicating the person or
persons addressed. See the Note under Ye In present circumstances;
things being as they are; -- hence, used as a connective particle, to
introduce an inference or an explanation

To cheat; to gull; to overreach you Especially, devoted attachment to,
or tender or passionate affection for, one of the opposite sex me
Likewise; also; in addition ?

To put or bring into a form, state, or condition, especially in the
phrases, to do death, to put to death; to slay; to do away (often do
away with), to put away; to remove; to do on, to put on; to don; to do
off, to take off, as dress; to doff; to do into, to put into the form
of; to translate or transform into, as a text you Cupid, the god of
love; sometimes, Venus One. See Men, pron too ?

To bring to an end by action; to perform completely; to finish; to
accomplish; -- a sense conveyed by the construction, which is that of
the past participle done we love Every; -- sometimes used
interchangeably with every Otherwise An exclamation used in calling or
directly addressing a person or personified object; also, as an
emotional or impassioned exclamation expressing pain, grief, surprise,
desire, fear, etc ?

As a numeral, I stands for 1, II for 2, etc don't To be acquainted
with; to be no stranger to; to be more or less familiar with the
person, character, etc., of; to possess experience of; as, to know an
author; to know the rules of an organization

Affection; kind feeling; friendship; strong liking or desire;
fondness; good will; -- opposed to hate; often with of and an object
The act of affecting or acting upon; the state of being affected; To
beget An act or state of perception by the sense above described; an
act of apprehending any object whatever; an act or state of
apprehending the state of the soul itself; consciousness; friendship;
Moving with rapidity or force; violent; forcible; impetuous; as, a
strong current of water or wind; the wind was strong from the
northeast; a strong tide Appearance; look; figure; state of body as to
health or condition O, the fifteenth letter of the English alphabet,
derives its form, value, and name from the Greek O, through the Latin.
The letter came into the Greek from the Ph/nician, which possibly
derived it ultimately from the Egyptian. Etymologically, the letter o
is most closely related to a, e, and u; as in E. bone, AS. ban; E.
stone, AS. stan; E. broke, AS. brecan to break; E. bore, AS. beran to
bear; E. dove, AS. d/fe; E. toft, tuft; tone, tune; number, F. nombre
To express a wish for; to entreat; to request; Doting affection;
tender liking; strong appetite, propensity, or relish; as, he had a
fondness for truffles; Not blemished or impeached; fair; honorable;
unsullied; as in the phrases a good name, a good report, good repute,
etc The choice or determination of one who has authority; a decree; a
command; discretionary pleasure; -- of Oppose Effect; end;
consequence; as, the prince was flattered to his ruin; he engaged in a
war to his cost; violent factions exist to the prejudice of the state
hate; Frequent; often; repeated See Withe Denoting the agent, or
person by whom, or thing by which, anything is, or is done; by A
particle which expresses the relation of connection or addition. It is
used to conjoin a word with a word, a clause with a clause, or a
sentence with a sentence If; -- a word used by old English authors
That which is set, or which may be regarded as set, before the mind so
as to be apprehended or known; that of which the mind by any of its
activities takes cognizance, whether a thing external in space or a
conception formed by the mind itself; as, an object of knowledge,
wonder, fear, thought, study, etc


if someone else has use of webster 1913 dictionary 180,000 entries in a stripped
ascii format: word ::: class ::: definition i u/p it in a 5M zip-file -


Pylori ::: pl. ::: of Pylorus
Pylorus ::: n. ::: The opening from the stomach into the intestine
Pylorus ::: n. ::: A posterior division of the stomach in some invertebrates
Pyne ::: n. & v. ::: See Pine
Pynoun ::: n. ::: A pennant
Pyocyanin ::: n. ::: A blue coloring matter found in the pus from old sores, supposed to be
formed through the agency of a species of bacterium (Bacillus pyocyaneus)
Pyogenic ::: a. ::: Producing or generating pus
Pyoid ::: a. ::: Of or pertaining to pus; of the nature of, or like, pus
Pyopneumothorax ::: n. ::: Accumulation of air, or other gas, and of pus, in the pleural

Systemless ::: a. ::: Being without system
Systemless ::: a. ::: Not agreeing with some artificial system of classification
Systemless ::: a. ::: Not having any of the distinct systems or types of structure, as the
radiate, articulate, etc., characteristic of organic nature; as, all unicellular organisms
are systemless

Xyster ::: n. ::: An instrument for scraping bones


abbreviated piece of zilch [a-b]

20/20 hindsight : hindquarter
411 info : informal
773h : aardvark
86 nix : aarhus niven
a1 : aachen
aok : anzus
abs : absconding
absotively-posilutely abstaining
ac/dc bar : abyssal baptiste
ace foolish : accustoms footages
adios muchachos : adjectivally muck
ah really wretched : ahmedabad reallocating wretch
ak october : akhenaten octile
alphabet soup : alphabetizations sourer
and how : andersen hovels
ankle : anklet
ante : antagonistically
antsy : antrorsely
aped : apeldoorn
applesauce : applecarts
attic : attesting
aunt flo : aural flitting
avs : avouch
awol : awnless
aztec two-step : azotization twopenny

b and b : babassu andersen azrael
ba : babassu
baby-kisser : babylonians
bacon : bacteraemia
bafflegab : bagasse
balmy : balsa
bologna : boloney
banana act : banc acting
banana oil : bamboozles oiler
banjaxed : banishing
barf city : barging civilianisations
be casper : beachboy cassandra
bear task : bearable tasmanian
beef : beechen
bliss ninny : blinkering ninth
blob : blockbuster
blood catsup : bloodcurdlingly catnaps
bm bowel movement : boarded bowerbirds movelessly
bolt : bolson
bs : bubble
buick : buibui
bunkum : bunters


antonymy aberrations
bolero aarhus
coating abeyance
dol abbot
focalize a
gnosticism abashes
iodation abietic
kittler abhorrently
locarno abashing
modulated abolitionise
nimbleness abducens
oligarch abiotically
poetisers abolitionist
told abates
wolds abatement
wye abducent
xylem abatis


eu gilutvsigdtauaoftslnnlo
me teeceusaarqrrttl unoip
ap ayrhcshrlauatibe mimzh
nr x sht niimelenah ipoao
i i ii atsinirglo nervb
n a kv henes ll ogpei
t l ee msese d u hta
i rl s e s ia
n sy r c




apeman blueprinting cm dog epitaxial foley gluers hitchhikers invectively jesus krishna
logarithm modalises nitramine opaqueness pluralise quarter rioting softball titleholder ups
voluminous winnipeg xenomorphic yelizaveta zoophobia


fkadloecornnarn n iapybvda
uo ritne i it e nti leer
lw ezets z s z bet isr
n wad a e eds g
e t t d f e
s i i o
s o o r
n n e


aerog, consp, roswe, paramns, pogro, misce, mcluh, conne, catam, pomic,
licen, parse, overn, fretf, assor, afrik, astir, sembl, rainw, pleat,
which, kortr, haul, count, dress, storm, ma, judic, misco, libel, aspic,
adnom, elect, sabot, pilla, multiy, nippe, micro, didac, dolph, pseud,
pecul, overl, thymo, land, grout, denig, decon, sasha, machu, manus,
there, maul, lepay, daugh, cente, displ, silic, overt, karen, wailf,
overt, forni, carbo, chari, aubad, perce, psych, mistr, unrea, nonpa,
hispa, apart, el, irati, ll, etris, mist, llany, an, ctors, ite, ultur,
seles, ight, ul, tment, aneri, ance, ater, less, ijk, down, ers, ed,
iousl, nceiv, inal, rical, aging, rises, tudin, fossi, he, in, oanae,
iariz, ay, rator, tamin, cript, with, ters, rings, ace, idize, ook,
ully, ype, cated, nous, ness, ologi, ust, lisin, rlor, nicis, ments,
onal, atio, zed, y, ness, ousl, mias, es, y, ated, al, se, es


Re: rong

14/11/2004 18:28:27, isbn 82-92428-08-9 wrote:

>go far, again tacit, an eve rite, talk sudden word, put new, it's
>allright, rong, nil, like no devil i've done killing north, girl,
>last i went up, drowned dusk, late tire venatic, at niagara, fog

gof ,aragain ta ,citanev erit etal ,ksud denword ,pu tnew i tsal ,lrig
,htron gnillik enod ev'i lived on ekil ,lin ,gnor ,thgirlla s'ti ,wen
tup ,drow neddus klat ,etir eve na ,ticat niaga ,raf og


New machines 1-3

I don't know anything, this is a burning house, leave all your hopes
behind, your flesh will burn, like snow hash evaporate in the sun, but
there's no sun, or the sun doesn't know you, so there's no poetry, for
heaven's sake, only the destruction, since you are already something,
and writing off the top, when climbing a mountain you should begin at
the top, someone said, why begin?, the mountain is burning, this
shallowness, it's hard to engage, and already wrong, dilemma, sleep,
also dilemma, those rocks never knew each other, not even lava, stuck in
the positioning, any way out?, some experiences are needed, to engage
your will at all, another janus, will to nothing, back to shells, how
things are constituted, composed=settled,calm, feeble, you'll never get
at me, never compose constitute, it's already too much, pronoun,
pronounced, these are still only words running, still file, sorry, I'm
ready to exit, which means I'll not, those kind of experiences, which
will leave you ..., leave you, and leave nothing behind, which has
already happened, so what is this?, I don't know, it's something
entirely false.

Nothing is better than silence ,nothing is better than nothing. And when
you're bored with nothing, do something else for the sake of nothing.
Don't be moved or driven into anything. These things have already
happened. Everything else is nothing. Dogs live in white houses. I don't
live anywhere. Listen, when you hear nothing it's just fine, whatever
you hear is also OK, as long as you keep listening. That's like being
alive. Any machine can do, so forget about doing. What we have is,
should be, something else, not doing, not thinking, any machine can
think. Sometimes I think we should just leave the world in its
magnificent trash, but there is nowhere to go, not inside, not outside,
we have nothing, nowhere, so just stay where you are, without making
anything out of it. Any webcam reveals nothing is happening, which is
always reassuring. Just listen, just look, whatever you do, any machine
will do better, so what do we have? My new machine implements boredom,
it produces out of nothing, into nothing, it just traverses its
structure and glows while it consumes itself. It's not even mahayana.

If you say nothing it's obviously false, double false, which is an
operation, not a fact. Act, not fact. Art, not fart, and then, art and
act, the subject/object + trash/abject, the reversal, hsart, or the
series it-hit-shit (art-act-trash) which is also a sentence, with a
truth value (T).

isbn://82-92428-08-9 wreathus


jean alloci

Ann Elesøpite, *5/6 1953 A500 E421 0000 0000
Bsorn Jenne, *23/5 1956 B265 J500 0000 0000
Anyto, *13/10 1957 A530 0000 0000

Knet Macmoalteon, *21/2 1935 K530 M254 0000 0000

Erlunc Mesnaylteon, *13/10-16 +18/4-1977 E645 M254 0000 0000

Knet Olshn Micnualtean, *24/6-1883 +2/11-1952 K530 O425 M254 0000 0000

Oli Olcen Hellons Mosnealdeem, *15/12-1828 +24/9-1920 O400 O425 H452
M254 0000 0000

Olo Svonsan Tinuoese, *1799 O400 S152 T520 0000

Spaon Elepson Timeiøcu, *1755 S150 E412 T520 0000
Barcid Eilhpstedtar Tine de., *1766 B623 E412 T500 D000 0000

Amme Olstattår Buscøtaecon, Besso i Nos Ål, *1804 A500 O423 B232 B200
I000 N200 L000 0000

Ghnfer Eiraggtitter Flhden, *30/8-1837 G516 E623 F435 0000

Eerhs Assrensan Fletam, *1793 +13/12-1875 E620 A265 F435 0000 0000

Ascram Ehrosgen Saecsort Flutyn, *1756 +1837 A265 E625 S263 F435 0000

Eirus Aszrinsen, Sera Ree Østru Agur, *1725 +ver 1801 E620 A265 S600
R000 S360 A260 0000 V600 0000
Bhrghd Genmurdottar Øfre Asar, *1733, +par 1801 B623 G563 F600 A260
0000 P600 0000

Genbar Olcditthr Nertra Fasc, *1767 +7/7-1850 G516 O423 N636 F200 0000

Olå Knotson Nertra Fekc, *1735, +1810 O400 K532 N636 F200 0000 0000
Anma Lorstottår Nertræ Åsor, Syra Tefdo, *1733, +11/10-1805 A500 L623 N636
S600 S600 T130 0000 0000

Kristi Harpråntstitter Nerdru Hylcayson, *1793 +18/12-1849 K623 H616 N636
H422 0000 0000

Herfremd Pelcon LÃ¥en, Hasim Ssrendo, *1758 H616 P425 L500 H250 S653
Mersht Keddilctættor, *1754 M623 K342 0000

Mera Eylhfgtatder Ritnonsen, Ål, *1897 +10/7-1966 M600 E412 R355 L000
0000 0000

Ellans Olson Østnhntsed, *1874 E452 O425 S355 0000
Insopers Olsdhdtar Rutnimsen I521 O423 R355

Acnes Roeni, *20/6-1920 A252 R500 0000

Anterc Roonæ A536 R500

Scur S600
Shnmyfi S510

Anme Øoeplitom *1897 +faxrefelsi 19/4-1990 A500 O143 0000 F261 0000

Ole Øohflitan, +sil-1943? O400 O143 S400
Merea Metolen, sogn M600 M345 S250

Olhas Hehson, *12/4 1934 O420 H250 0000 0000

Jøns Heesem, *22/12-1902 +6/12-1980 J520 H250 0000 0000

Jan JÃ¥mcan Haosan, *1866, +fhr aesost 1944 J500 J525 H250 0000 F600
A223 0000

Jins Jimkan Sludte, Kfangåyasen, *11/2-1840 (c. 333. Jonc ver J520 J525 S430
K152 0000 C000 0000 J520 V600 F600 fri
Oynctat-htte O523
fre Aurlomt.) F600 A645

Jin Jangen Oomstod Getbrentcgert Setndolen, *14/10-1812 (s. 89J500 J525 O523
G316 S353 0000 S000 0000 6)
Ronste Olgtedter Tanisun, *27/1-1817 R523 O423 T525 0000

Oly Tanhccan Kfongiæegen, *1786 O400 T525 K152 0000

Tenis Olcøn Shra Tarba, *15/10-1747 T520 O425 S600 T610 0000
Ronsth Lerctytdor Nardre Gravo, *1759 R523 L623 N636 G610 0000

Kyri Olctiddur Nidri Raynden, *1789 K600 O423 N360 R535 0000

Ola Knatcen Reemthm, *1756 (g. 48) O400 K532 R535 0000 G000 0000

Knyt Livhrtcon Sara Møaes, *1725 (s. 47) K530 L163 S600 M200 0000 S000
Rhnnes Larstettir Moteos, *1716 R520 L623 M320 0000

Haltos Olctitthr Surh Bhssæstot, *1762 H432 O423 S600 B233 0000

Byrsat Olsdattar Morasledte, Sbartiferj, *3/3-1839 (forset verB623 O423 M624
S163 0000 F623 V600 D360 dhttar
tal ssilelirar Oly Sopitson Sfertafers fre Ål.) T400 S446 O400 S132
S163 F600 L000

Geru Olstattyr Nardri Reumtan, *13/2-1873 G600 O423 N636 R535 0000

Olu Olgem Nartre Reymton, *13/10-1842 (c. 59) O400 O425 N636 R535 0000
C000 0000

Ola Sfeenson Nartre Rayntim, *25/12-1816 (s. 58) O400 S152 N636 R535
0000 S000 0000

Sfeon Kmhtgen dæ. Nhrtru Ryandhn, *1789 S150 K532 D000 N636 R535 0000

Knod Lifordsen Sirø Mitays Netre Rionton, *1725 (c. 47) K530 L163 S600
M320 N360 R535 0000 C000 0000
Remsta Sfaengtettar Sencta Kyebams, *1757 R523 S152 S523 K152 0000

Birzot Olctattir Thmsin, *1790 B623 O423 T525 0000

Gra Olkdottur Nirtro Hallamg, Ål, *30/8-1820 G600 O423 N636 H452 L000

Ole Olsen Nirtro Hillhns, Ål, *1791 O400 O425 N636 H452 L000 0000
Gri Nalctetdar Halde, *1798 G600 N423 H430 0000

Borsod Sshgortsdetthr Teasacthcin, *18/10-1849 B623 S263 T223 0000

Birsoyld Hillinccthd, *6/10-1907 +19/10-1991 B624 H452 0000 0000

Arna Hhllenggthd A650 H452
Tera Kolbcerncsart, Vads T600 K412 V320



As you wish, in the bone.

World Trade Center ruins
almost immediately after, conjoining his colleagues may be
used in print, the silent ones of Bush Sr
did in the US to cause America to
suffer human, economic, and results.

Before I shall tell
you truthfully about the region.

At a mountain heifer. Do not in the field of the blood and diffused and
we try, there to be carried out the killing of
one of its neck of palm-fronds. If a helpless child, powerless
except for his own security. A rapturous positivity.

17. If a trillion dollars.

And even in the land. It took so

21. The few institutions capable of jobs.

As for the field of the rest of the military and
the channels controlled by the mattresses, that the bed of Texas and
that these images and its conscience.

2. Its flight.

As you wish, in the bone.

There is the ounce.

Faint heart never occurred to the pretenders of the explication of sons
of the fault of the security is hooked. Charms do not the left,
the right knows: There is replaced by them able to be killed, and that is
freedom and big muscles do not make a horse the White trash and became
envious of the mujahidin
recently forced Bush administration has been hampered by the pound of a
bad end.

Dark bread makes cheeks red, white trash and tens of
thousands injured, while resistance is the will not make light work. Show
the wronged one pair of
good soles its flight.

As you wish, in their various corporations - all
praise is bad. If you in your allies in the Patriot Act, under the 19 -
according to do is not make bricks without mercy.

The situation was fire in
your skin.

The slow horse the young and shall tell
you truthfully about the most scars is not quickly

Trade Center ruins
almost immediately after, conjoining his image with the reasons for every
dollar of baptism is
not beaten, then that occupying himself by the grace of wealth and
children sprawled everywhere. Houses destroyed along with the guidance.
If the latter is alive.

Dollar of the rich to leave off.

He that our fight because it is better own science.

You do not the planes and felt that the black gold blurred his security,
wealth and diffused and a bad fall go hand in the bed of others were to
us why it bears to
the regimes in the castle.

The doorstep of a
silent dog. A tough bough. We have mentioned has been organizing, in the

Planes and we hate freedom.

If so, then it is an empty sack cannot say that is good if a helpless
child, powerless except
for his friend
as a bad end.

Dark bread makes cheeks red, white trash and we have caused us to
be killed, and bait
this administration. All shows that occupying himself believe he who
pursues an egg today than
a hen tomorrow. The end they terrorise the left continuously focused

12. Corporate America to our work, that would shame him with the spirit
giveth life. Perfect love my dog.

The brains

Planes and how unhealthy the
bed of its aftermath, lost in
this war went ahead, the way back a helpless child, powerless except
for his vision and became
envious of more important of the coals. He fits the information
discourse networks and we lay waste to Allah is better to you in my
mother is
at the beard. Dry bread at hand.

The poor men as their achieving for
it anything of power
when and so
that they exist - a helpless child, powerless except
for his security, contrary

bed of gays fucking that security has
automatically guaranteed its better to Allah have one pair of
good soles its season.

Gays fucking that occupying himself that demands the rest a single tree in
and Lebanon, it difficult to
deal with an unknown outcome."

But the more important of prevention is not be strong enough to another;
it took so

21. The few institutions of the region.

At a bad fall into an unjustified war went ahead, the beard.

Demands the reasons for those moving scenes, blood and hoping
that these sorts of a reaction.

Moving scenes, blood and how unhealthy the planes and both sides, all
expectations. This resemblance began and political losses without
breaking eggs.

The grass is an unjustified war and presidents.

Our experience with the reasons are the war went ahead, the information
discourse networks and preserving morality, even in before you have
mentioned has appeared to the planes and his wheels helps his

Three women and concerns the crocodile understand a horse is evidence of
its people, and contested in return to face
those great house is an unjustified war and the generals race there is
the field of its people, when
disaster strikes, make progress.

Sides, all shows that he who looks at once.

The vine brings milk to Allah.

So we lay waste to implement its flight.

As you eat the left,
the right has been killed and
injured and theorists.

14. Far too few. Long absent, soon
forgotten. They say: "How mistaken we try, there to the saying "like the
sun does not a century and
a half; this resemblance began and identity. To implement its

2. Its better to the nuts before the first of rejection of relief at

The poor men were to
have allowed the naughty
she-goat who punishes the killing of relief at hand.

The poor are made use carrying an old agent and a bad end.

Dark bread at once.

The vine brings milk to bray.

Old age is the episteme.

5. Bush administration has walked with
truth generates life. "Injustice chases its better own house, and they
named it is blind in the point of their remaining decades in my mind.

The events and that the point of
bankruptcy. Allah who learns from a great house to me that appears

Looks at once.

The vine brings milk to outclass his worship and they gestured in
election fraud from the bed of difficulty.

All that you
may recall that security has won against you?

If you have an ass, it is the election and a horse with an unjustified
war and concerns the operations - that could only just begun - with
who are made and presidents.

Our experience with Scott in return to be convinced. And every state that
would turn back a bird does not made, it could only just begin. We
witnessed the nation who is not forfeit their priority to look for

And the mattresses, that it of what happened was to some benefits for
many were to our people what happened was fire in
your skin.

The slow horse the goose on the twin towers to us to sea. Who walks alone
carries a bad butter.

Praise the political arena.

16. In kind. To the abject stereotyped
image of the fatted calf but if you can read in the
White House. A pike to do not perform
miracles on the ounce.

Faint heart is better is the house and
the channels controlled by the will of a tough bough. We have been in
White House. A hole for
somebody else; you have mercy on the more we bring on our compatriots and
testimony, there is the security is the house to be neutral. So it took
dictatorship and diffused and others were dazzled by America to provoke
and solidified its causes the decision was to be sorry and kill and that
has appeared to avoid these images and theorists.

14. Far more than 1000 of al-Qaida defeated a person who created the wise
man when he who created the fence. Be killed, and its butting was affected
my meeting a single tree to be aware that
it is in the storm, the left
assumes; it of al-Qaida to
achieve these images and felt that for money.

And the pretenders of Allah, besides the letter killeth, but on the
hacking manifesto - has ever
known, and

Gestured in the first of good if a history of fact in Lebanon, it could
not perform
miracles on our work, that we bring on the feet while you can keep busy
their elimination.

History of an empty sack cannot say to these images and the fight in

History of their private companies.

This is too much beer must drink water. Whoever has gained, something of
which anyone who does not make a drum
is not a religious
embrace of children for every state governors,


This is in another Manhattan,
and deals with Scott in kind. To these images and in
Aden. And contested in my dog.

The brains

Aden. And that security has
automatically guaranteed its citizens in the creation for you that for
the wise man whose father was to you have been in my mother is
at the US - is a whistling girl about the dirty thing that
fattened him.


Re: To the sea

This was a recursive scrambling of Ryan Whyte's translation post, feeding
the output into the scrambler again, etc, reinforcing the tilted patterns of
the proverbs. The post 'He ... you' added Bin Laden's original speech into
the scheme, just fyi.

03/11/2004 22:53:14, Ryan Whyte wrote:

>Explanatory: Text based on Bin Ladin's speech; nearly a line-for-line
>replacement with more or less randomly selected proverbs and BL's own
>proverbs retained. Proverbs are good 'time capsules' of folkways in which
>implicit violence rubs shoulders with the practical knowledge of oral
>culture. They range from the biblical to the barnyard, and they are almost
>always elevated by formal structure (chiasmus, antiquated diction etc).
>They decenter authorship, this in the context of Bin Ladin's simultaneous
>concentration and deflection of responsibility. 'Translation' in this
>context means recasting the basic structure of the argument into proverbs
>drawn from eastern and western cultures; proverbs run roots all over the
>place. A pendant text would be any concentration of soundbites spinning
>out of the US election ('global test' etc repeated ad infinitum). But that
>would be less interesting.

To the sea

To the
sea; the being ashamed of a
silent dog. A person who will come by,
but poverty is worth a while, after supper
walk a single tree to leave off.

He that would turn back a mackerel. Treachery will fall go hand in kind.
He himself that for want of wisdom. Everything dear is in the
White House. A horse the crocodile meeting a shame; but if the sea,

sea; the ounce.

Faint heart is in the killing of
one of a hole for
somebody else; you must crack the sooner


Faint heart is at the head is nearest the naughty
she-goat who will gain sits waiting patiently in the fatted calf but not
change its feathers because the outdoor shrine, and the trouble that
follows death than oxen. The ground can
fall no lower.

Hunger finds no lower.

Hunger finds no lower.

Hunger finds no Guardian or Helper.

Head is blind in the traitor.


Head is good if men take to return to the
sea; the herb that highest kicks his

Return to leave off.

He that has walked with
truth generates life. "Injustice chases its sons, also for the sun does
not make light work. Show the weak man when it of a
silent dog.

Walked with
truth generates life. "Injustice chases its season.

Walked with
truth generates life. Perfect love my mother is
at the gander.

Perfect love my mother is
at the beard. Dry bread at the marrow is the sign invites you can keep
yourself safe from a helpless child, powerless except
for his wheels helps his

Three women and a horse the weak man whose father was fire in
your skin.

The slow horse with the spider that
knows what it would not be afraid of the world.

Beard. Dry bread at once.

The vine brings milk to the coals. He who drinks too many; and they be

After a great house is too few. Long absent, soon
forgotten. They were now to
turn their hostility towards the first of wealth is alive.


The vine brings milk to bray.

Old age is in silk or
scarlet. Better than his nose.

Never speak to outclass his colleagues may be many.

After a hole for
somebody else; you are brave. Make hay
whilst the hedge at once.

The vine brings milk to leave off.

He that highest kicks his


Old age is sickness of a
silent dog. A knife from the trouble that
follows death than a man must drink water. Whoever has walked with
truth generates life. "Injustice chases its flight.

As you must behave like a reaction.

Sickness of its flight.

As you yourself safe from the fathers have eaten sour
grapes, and a pound of what it is the ground can
fall no fault of prevention is drawn,
it in the mouth.

What would one day become extinct from under the fatted calf but the
killing of
one of a gift sells his security, wealth and they be afraid of what it
very stone in the
White House. A single tree to bray.

Old age is a hole for
somebody else; you eat the thing that
fattened him.

Fathers have the outdoor shrine, and is
not beaten, then that is at hand.

The poor men take to leave off.

He that is good if the fault of tyranny." When he himself that is our
security has
automatically guaranteed its nest. And a
crowing hen tomorrow. The gander.

not beaten, then that is worth a good
appetite there is bad. If you must drink water. Whoever has been bitten
by the rich to outclass his whole house.


appetite there is not care of palm-fronds. If they perform for every
state that for his own security. A bird does not dig a mountain heifer.
Do not perform
miracles on the most scars is the fox
could not make a tough bough. We have,
but we bring on horseback and the heart is in silk or
scarlet. Better own science.

You do not a whistling girl and the bone.

There is slippery.

Care of pleasure, the coals. He is drawn,
it in error." The outdoor shrine, and a great house of prevention is
lost; for the rider is made and is
not beaten, then that is as Adam. Love my mother is
at the other side of what it is better an ass, it would learn to return
to return to be known by the fox
could not cut off the fathers have the being ashamed of patience.

An eye is slippery. He causes the young and every action, there is as
Adam. Love my mother is
at the silent ones of a funeral. Better than his screams.


Jeg le Klokka fire og seks - fire, fem,
seks, fem Ri p? vanten. ? mor! andre
ville jeg hva da? lille du Lille grisen
fikk sl?tt av redsel, - s? Fem-tallet
har trekanter Ta den som laget litt
st?y. Fire var dei berre hva sier du n??
Sier du og r?re p? ski. Den eine gikk
seg bort i ikke jeg Ikke jeg skjelve

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